Thursday, January 13, 2011

Preventing Future Tragedies

Dear Friends:

All this talk about making it against the law to posess a gun within 1000 feet of a public official misses the point. Could such a law have prevented Jared Loughner from shooting those people the other day? Let's see, Mr. Loughner would have said, "I really want to kill that woman, but I can't -- I just found out its against the law to get near her with a gun, oh well. I guess I’ll go home and watch American Idol.” Really?

Instead of outlawing the implements of crime, why not outlaw the crime itself. Why not make murder illegal. Oh wait . . . don’t we already have a law against murder.  Well, in fact . . . now that I think about it, I'm . sure it's illegal. Hmm . . .it's illegal, yet Loughner committed murder anyway. How can that be? , He can't do that, it's illegal!

When someone decides to murder people he is not even acquainted with, it makes the rest of feel very vulnerable. If it can happen to them, it can happen to us. We don't like to feel vulnerable. So we frantically try to come up with ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. Mankind has wrestled with this problem from the beginning of recorded time. No one has ever come up with a way to prevent someone from making that deadly decision.

The truth is, it WILL happen again -- and yet again. This world is fraught with danger of all kinds, whether natural disasters, accidents, and injury that result from free will and intention, such as murder. Let us mourn the dead, comfort the survivors, and go on living, accepting the risks of life without fear.

Bob Roushar

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