Saturday, February 12, 2011

Be Careful When you Bash Bush!

You know, I'm getting tired of hearing about how bad George W. Bush was as president. Here's an inside tip for you--GEORGE BUSH IS NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE. OK, now that we have that out of the way, be careful how you bash Bush's policies, because when you do, you're not helping Mr. Obama at all. Let's look the differences between the policies of these two presidents:

EVIL BUSH POLICIES                                        WONDERFUL OBAMA POLICY
War in Afghanistan                                              War in Afghanistan 
War in Iraq                                                          War in Iraq

Wiretapping American Citizens                             Wiretapping American Citizens

Drone attacks killing “suspected” terrorists             Drone attacks continue    
Increased the budget deficit, debt                           EXTREME increase in debt, deficit
Advocated amnesty for illegal aliens                        Advocates amnesty for illegals    
Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay                     Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay
Retains right to “enhanced interrogation”                  Retains right to these methods
Expanded government involvement into                    Attempt to nationalize health care
health care (prescription drugs)
No security for Southern border                               Even LESS security at border
Cozy Relationship with Oil Industry                         Cozy Relationship with Oil Industry
 Lobbyists in adminstration                                     More lobbyists in administration
 Unemployment rising                                             EVEN higher unemployment

Now, I opposed almost everything Bush did as president. He governed like a Democrat. So I get tired of the litany of accusations against Bush as a defense of Obama. It doesn't fly any more. You guys need to stop this excuse about having inherited a mess. EVERY president inherits a mess. The president is supposed to make things BETTER not worse. 
When you compare the policies of these two, it seems to me that Obama is really Bush on STEROIDS!

Thanks for listening to my rant.
Bob Roushar

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