Monday, January 24, 2011

Conservative Principle Number 1--Minimum Necessary Government=Maximum Individual Freedom

In the spirit of understanding and cooperation, I would like to initiate a series of articles which will explain the conservative position and motivation. It seems that there are many who act as if conservative folks are scary or heartless, because conservatives believe in the right of self defense, and disagree with government-provided welfare.
I firmly believe that fear of something decreases with understanding of it. In this spirit, I would like to describe and define the principles behind conservative positions. I will call these principles of liberty the Liberty Lions. I call them this because each one is powerful, and can stand on its own. Once we unleash these Liberty Lions, all other arguments fail before them. Freedom is won.
The first principle is that of Minimum Necessary Government. Minimum Necessary government is simply the minimum government necessary to safeguard our freedom. You see, we do not believe that the purpose of government is to “take care of us.” That leads to dependency and eventually oppression. What is the purpose of government? Put simply it is to keep us free.
Government can keep us free by imposing penalties upon those who harm our persons or property by force or by fraud domestically, and by protecting us from those outside our country who would do the same. That’s it. That is the purpose of government. That’s why we have a system of courts and law enforcement agencies. Taxes are imposed to pay for things such as courts, judges, law enforcement agencies and officers.  The rest is up to us as individuals. We are free to make of our lives what we resolve to.
In the beginning of our nation, it was a tacit agreement between citizen and government that this is the purpose of taxes. Later, as money in the national treasury increased, this money was seen by members of congress as loot to be sent to their respective districts in the form of pet projects and sometimes very wasteful endeavors. Why do I bring this up? Because by taxing the citizens for purposes other than law enforcement and national defense, the government is taking our freedom, rather than protecting it.
You see, the government is the only entity that can legally take your property by force. My money is my property. It represents either hard work or smart work, or both, or in the case of inheritance, the hard or smart work of one’s predecessor.  Now that the members of the government have discovered that they can use our money to buy votes for themselves from special interest groups, there is no limit on the amount of our money they desire. This is tyranny. This is an attack on the very premise of private ownership, because right now, there is nothing in the US Constitution which places a limit on the amount or percentage of taxes the government may levy on us. It is a blank check, or more appropriate, a credit card with no limit.
So we have a government that used to guard our freedoms as individuals, but now, because we collectively own this large amount of collected money, we have lost the individual right to choose how our money is spent. Even worse, our government has spent money than it takes from us, so now we have become collectively liable for the debt. Now whichever party is in power can control the spending of YOUR money. And, my friend, think not that is just waste at issue, but also the government’s expansion of itself. In order to secure power, the government makes more and more promises that are increasingly expensive.
When you work, and earn money, but another who has not worked for it can take it from you in any amount and for any purpose they decide-- you are not free.  Conservatives believe in limiting government to its basic minimum functions. We believe that this will maximize our individual and collective liberty. That is the agenda of the true conservative or libertarian—to limit the size and scope the government and its activities.
Bob Roushar

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Preventing Future Tragedies

Dear Friends:

All this talk about making it against the law to posess a gun within 1000 feet of a public official misses the point. Could such a law have prevented Jared Loughner from shooting those people the other day? Let's see, Mr. Loughner would have said, "I really want to kill that woman, but I can't -- I just found out its against the law to get near her with a gun, oh well. I guess I’ll go home and watch American Idol.” Really?

Instead of outlawing the implements of crime, why not outlaw the crime itself. Why not make murder illegal. Oh wait . . . don’t we already have a law against murder.  Well, in fact . . . now that I think about it, I'm . sure it's illegal. Hmm . . .it's illegal, yet Loughner committed murder anyway. How can that be? , He can't do that, it's illegal!

When someone decides to murder people he is not even acquainted with, it makes the rest of feel very vulnerable. If it can happen to them, it can happen to us. We don't like to feel vulnerable. So we frantically try to come up with ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. Mankind has wrestled with this problem from the beginning of recorded time. No one has ever come up with a way to prevent someone from making that deadly decision.

The truth is, it WILL happen again -- and yet again. This world is fraught with danger of all kinds, whether natural disasters, accidents, and injury that result from free will and intention, such as murder. Let us mourn the dead, comfort the survivors, and go on living, accepting the risks of life without fear.

Bob Roushar

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Found the Solution

Are you concerned about the angry speech on the cable and the airwaves? There may be a solution. You big-government fans may really like this one. The constitution guarantees free speech, forbidding the congress from passing any law that restricts speech, I think I found a loophole! Nothing in the Bill of Rights keeps the government from regulating emotion! Think of it—speech is not the problem, according to the widespread complaints—no, it is the emotional component of the speech that is causing concern.
So why not regulate anger? If you are not angry, you won’t engage in angry speech, nor will you be tempted to damage delicate psyches by using parody, sarcasm, sardonic humor or that most uncivilized of all behavior--criticism. Here’s how it would work—if you think you have reason to be angry about something, then you have to apply for a permit. A panel of court judges will decide whether you have a legitimate cause to be angry.
If they find that you grievance does not qualify as something to be angry about, then your permit will be denied. If you express anger to the judges for their decision, they will take your shoestrings and belt and send you to a special place where nice people will help you to cope with life without being angry. After all, the government is here to help.
If we can implement this program throughout the land, we can restore civility to our discourse. Just think of it, from now on, all the news anchors speaking in sparkling tones with smiles akin to those on the performers on the Lawrence Welk Show. Wouldn’t that be nice?
God Bless you all,
Bob Roushar

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Guilt about success and prosperity serves no one.

Dear Friends:

In our popular culture there is always an ample measure of guilt because we are prosperous and healthy when there are so many who are not. This is not healthy for us or for those who suffer, as Catherine Ponder said once, "how does it help someone who is suffering for me to feel bad as well."

The answer, of course, is that it hellps no one. It doesn't even help me to help those who suffer. If you do something, do it out of love, not out of guilt, and please, please--do not try to shame others into helping. It doesn't 'work. Only love works. If you want further guidance, read about the example of Mother Teresa, who was against nothing, but for FOR many good things.

To this end, I want to share with you a poem from the Dhammapada:

Live in Joy,
In Love,
Even among those who hate.

Live in Joy,
In Health,
Even among the afflicted.

Live in Joy,
In Peace,
Even among the troubled.

Look Within,
Be Still,
Freee from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of the way.

Dhammapada, translated by Thomas Byrom

Bob Roushar

Disagreement, or disdain for your position is not "hate"

Dear Fiends:

In the mainstream media, there is a kind of collective consiousness that pretends to be representative of America itself. This is not so. In this collaborative mind is expressed an emotional response to people on the radio and TV who dissent. It is claimed that the discourse is not civil, and that we need to be "kinder" in our speech "toward one another." Nonsense.

It is claimed, first of all, that A, There is "hate" expressed on these programs, B, This "hate" is causing people to follow along blindly with these views, and C, the tone of these broadcasts are causing violence.

Let's look at the first claim, that there is "hate" on the airwaves. I have not heard anything said on the conservative radio or tv broadcasts that would indicate hate toward any person or group. I challenge you to come up with a specific instance of this. There are certainly daily instances of poking fun at their positions, certainly caricatures, parodies, etc., in the grand American tradition of creative free speech, but this is not hate. Parodies and caricatures have been the staple of political discussion since before our nation was formally formed. We have survived parody and sardonic humor for over 200 years, and we will be just fine in the future.

Let's look at the second claim, that people are blindly adopting the views and tone of the conservative broadcasts. Those who dislike conservative programs make the assumption, especially in the case of Rush Limbaugh, that listeners are only conservative because they listen to conservative broadcasts. That's backwards. They listen to conservative programs because they are conservatives. These programs express views that they already agree with. It is support and encouragement for them. It is a source of useful information for them. It is highly insulting to the American people to assume that their minds are so malleable that they automatically adopt the content and tone of any program they happen to tune in to.

The third assumption, is that "angry rhetoric" causes violence. If this was true, George W Bush would be dead by now, so would Dick Cheney. There has been so much vitriole toward George Bush and Dick Cheney, including effigies. George Bush has been depicted many times on signs as a Nazi and with a gun sight zeroed in  on his image. There have been no violent acts linked with free speech. Angry tones and figures of speech do not cause violence.

While the Fairness Doctrine was in effect, John Kennedy and his brother Robert, and Rev. Martin Luther King were all assassinated. There is no evidence that something like the Fairness Doctrine prevents such violent acts from being carried out. This latest case being discussed, the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, had nothing to do with political speech at all. The gunman was, by all accounts, out of touch with reality, and had a fixation with Ms. Giffords BEFORE there was a Tea Party, before the fight over health care reform.

Do we really want somebody in the government to make sure there is only "responsible speech" on the air waves? Who decides what is responsible and what is not? Are humans infallible and objective just because they work for the government? Are government employees and elected representatives free of personal or party agendas? Think about it. Have you ever said something that, if said on the air, could be construed as "irresponsible speech?" What happens when the utterance of your position is considered irresponsible? Will that position then be culled from the air waves so that only one side of an issue is allowed?

You can see, I hope, that the result of allowing only "responsible" speech will inexorably be censorship, not free speech.

God bless America, including my liberal friends,
Bob Roushar

Monday, January 10, 2011

There is no such thing as "hate speech," only FREE SPEECH

This is addressed to all those who are sincerely concerned about "irresponsible speech." My friends, in a free society, irresponsible speech is allowed. Who will decide what is "responsible" speech? The government, which is made of human minds, with their own agendas? You, my friends? What you consider irresponsible, I consider appropriate and necessary.

Once you go down that road, then anything can be called "irresponsible" speech. Passionate rhetoric on both sides of the debate about collective power vs individual power, is not only good but necessary. Using metaphors, even combat metaphors, does not cause violence. We are not a nation of weaklings, crying and whining because someone called us a "bad name," as if we were children on the playground, whimpering to our teacher that someone was mean to us.

Let us be adults. We can take some adult language, and some angry tones. It is OK. Our republic has survived many fist fights by congressmen over the last 200 years, and a whole lot of rough language. It has survived, and so we will continue to survive. This call for "civility" is a tactic to try to silence opposing opinions.

We are a healthy, robust republic, as long as speech is free. Completely free.

Bob Roushar